Periodontal Disease and Bad Breath

Once proper diagnosis is made, Dr. Ellis uses safe, simple, effective and economical treatments that produces immediate results to eliminate causes and results of periodontal disease and bad breath.

Having good oral hygiene, balanced diet and regular dental visits can prevent periodontal disease and be your resource for ending bad breath.

Periodontal Disease: Diagnosis / Treatment / Maintenance

Periodontal disease is typically diagnosed seeing red, swollen and bleeding gums. This happens when plaque and tartar are not removed and begin destroying the gums and bone supporting the tooth. Many people have varying cases of periodontal disease and have no warning signs. This is why regular checkups and cleanings are extremely important.

It is not only the number one reason for tooth loss and decay but also research shows that it has a strong link to other diseases such as, strokes, bacterial pneumonia, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and increased risks during pregnancy.

You can reduce your risks of periodontal disease by having good oral hygiene, balanced diet and regular dental visits.

Diagnosis: At every regular visit the dentists will do a periodontal examination to diagnosis any suspect areas. The dentist and hygienist will examine pocket depths around the tooth, amount of bleeding, inflammation, and tooth movement. If periodontal disease is found the dentist will exam your gum tissue under microscope to determine at what level the disease is for a proper diagnosis. Together you will discuss the treatment and preventative steps for your specific case.

The two most common stages are gingivitis and periodontitis:

  • Gingivitis is a milder form of periodontal disease that attacks the gums making them tender or inflamed.
  • Periodontitis occurs when plaque hardens into tarter and continues to build up around the tooth causing the gums to begin receding. This creates deep pockets around the tooth filled with bacteria. Your gums will become very sensitive and will bleed easily. Advanced Periodontitis can result in the loss of a tooth if not treated effectively.

Treatment: Treatment for periodontal disease varies according to what stage and type of disease. After a thorough evaluation by the dentist and hygienist a recommended treatment plan will be given.

If the disease is caught in the early stage, gingivitis, then a regular cleaning will be recommended. Also you will be given at home instructions on proper techniques for good oral hygiene.

If the disease has progressed to the periodontitis stage a special deep cleaning will be recommended. Your comfort is a priority so 4Smiling numbs gum area in the mouth as they are cleaned and made smooth above and below the gum line. Then, medications or special rinses will be recommended to help control infections and healing.

You will be given care instructions and follow-up appointments will be made at the end of your visit.

Maintenance: Regular home cleaning helps keep plaque and tarter under control, but professional cleanings are recommended for those hard to reach areas. Regular appointments will help prevent periodontal disease and/or catch it in the early stages.

Good oral hygiene and professional cleanings are the only way to maintain dental health and keep periodontal disease under control!


Bad Breath: Diagnosis / Treatment / Maintenance

Do you ever worry about bad breath (HALITOSIS)? Do you notice family members, friends or business associates keeping their distance? Perhaps someone has told you that you have a breath problem? If you worry about this common problem, don't fear it, conquer it. Your renewed confidence and sex appeal is just a step away.

Diagnosis: Halitosis is caused by the build-up of Volatile Sulphur Compounds (VSC's), which arise from the breakdown of bacteria, tissue, and food particles.

Today it is estimated that 25 million Americans suffer from chronic bad breath (halitosis). Many of these people are unaware of their offending breath until somebody has the courage to tell them. But once they are aware that they have the problem, they will usually do anything to avoid the embarrassment that it causes. All one has to do is look at the millions of dollars a year spent on various mouthwashes, flavoring agents, mints and other masking substances, to see that halitosis is a serious social problem.

When is the last time you asked your dentist if he or she could help you get rid of bad breath?

The right way to eliminate bad breath is to make an appointment with 4Smiling Aesthetic Dentistry... Due to many possible causes of bad breath, diagnosis of the origin of halitosis is essential for its treatment. The first step to making a proper diagnosis is the taking of a complete medical history.

After completing a history Dr. Ellis will then do a complete intra-oral examination. Today, the technology exists to measure the level of volatile sulfur compounds right in the dental office with the use of an instrument called a Halimeter. This along with other new techniques will allow us to pinpoint the cause of your bad breath.

Treatment: Once proper diagnosis is made, Dr. Ellis uses safe, simple, effective and economical treatment that produces immediate results to eliminate VSC's, and hence the bad breath.

Typical breath mints, chewing gum, mouthwashes and toothpastes you buy at the store merely mask your bad breath, and this cover-up only lasts for a short time. Let the 4Smiling doctors and their staffs show you how to use the right products and techniques to permanently rid you of bad breath.

Since most bad breath is caused by oral factors, the elimination of these factors should be the first step in the treatment approach. The following steps are recommended:

  1. Improve oral hygiene techniques
  2. Control gum disease (periodontal disease)
  3. Increase salivary flow
  4. Patients who wear dentures, or partials need special home care instructions
  5. Patients wearing removable appliances also need to be given special oral hygiene instructions
  6. For people who eat spicy food like garlic and onions, excellent oral hygiene is not enough to stop bad breath

Maintenance: Good oral hygiene and following the regular treatment plan, provided by our dentists, bad breath can be reduced long term.

Referral to a physician for a complete medical examination may also be made. Remember while halitosis is usually due to benign oral disorders it may be the first manifestation of a serious or even fatal disease.

Aesthetic Dentistry Can be Your Resource for Ending Bad Breath!